CLICK HERE FOR MORE DETAILS on how to utilize Ciscocmd to monitor you entire network at a glance and keep your finger on the pulse of your global communications infrastructure.
Ciscocmd for switchport capacity for your entire global network at a glance.
This article shows how you can quickly view the switchport capacity for your entire global network. Using the ciscocmd utility described on this site and a small AWK script, you will be able to automatically poll every switch. The output of the command looks like this.
switch1 156 connected total 264 ports 59.0909 percent utilization
switch2 156 connected total 264 ports 59.0909 percent utilization
switch3 105 connected total 179 ports 58.6592 percent utilization
switch4 105 connected total 179 ports 58.6592 percent utilization
switch5 137 connected total 234 ports 58.5470 percent utilization
Further more, we will sort the output the so the most highly utilized switches will be the first shown in the list. This sorting technique is especially useful when there are many switches in your network. You can glance at the top of the list and likely get a good quick picture of the port usage of your network.
There are two parts of this script. First I will begin with the ciscocmd script.
Ciscocmd Script
CLICK HERE FOR MORE DETAILS on how to utilize Ciscocmd to monitor you entire network at a glance and keep your finger on the pulse of your global communications infrastructure.
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Thanks again! i will add a graphic output in html:)
my script for error-disable port is here :
Thanks Fred. Will post it soon!
Happen to be trying to find this and learned much more than anticipated in this article. Thanks.