Introducing WISMCMD – ciscocmd for wireless controllers!

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This article will focus on extending ciscocmd to use for cisco wireless controllers. The article will cover the following:

– How to modify ciscocmd so it can be used for wireless controllers.
– Use cases of ciscocmd applications for wireless infrastructure.

Modification of ciscocmd for wireless or as I will refer to it……WISMCMD – Tada.

In order to modify ciscocmd to work with Cisco wireless (WISM) components. You need to get comfortable with looking at code. Don’t worry it is straight forward to modify the code.

ciscocmd has two places in the code where it is “expecting” the pattern “sername”. Once it see this pattern is sends the username you input when invoking the original command. A Cisco WISM however, uses a “User” prompt. The pattern ciscocmd is expecting in order to generate a login. In order for us to prompt ciscocmd to send the username we have to change the code to expect the “User” regexp patter instead of the “sername” pattern. This pattern occurs in two places. The first place is around line 315 to 375 in the code. It looks something like this:

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As discussed before, simply replace the “sername” pattern with “User” and it should look like this when you are done.

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A few lines below this you will find some code that looks like the following.

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These lines are a the part of the code that is responsible for sending back a response to the type of prompt it received. After our first code modification we “expect”ed a “User” prompt. Now we have to send instructions of what to do once we see the “User” prompt. However, we must connect the “what to send next” instructions with the prompt. If the code above is not modified the ciscocmd tool will time out because it will show no commands to send for the “User” prompt. Now change the the word “sername” in the above code to “User”. It should look like this.

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That’s all it takes. Please refer to the other ciscocmd articles on this site to see how to run the command. Also please refer to the videos if you need more help modifying ciscocmd to to run on the cisco wireless (WISM) platform. Finally, also please check out the video on running and processing automatic commands using ciscocmd on a WISM.

CLICK HERE FOR MORE DETAILS on how to utilize Ciscocmd to monitor you entire network at a glance and keep your finger on the pulse of your global communications infrastructure.

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